100% carbon neutral delivery

Keeping our planet and environment healthy.


What is carbon neutral?

Increased carbon dioxide (and equivalent) - CO2e - levels are a significant and harmful contributor to climate change.

It’s easy to forget the environmental impact of our online shopping deliveries– just clickety-click and, like magic, it's on your doorstep. But the logistics involved generate a huge amount of CO2 - over 10% of global CO2e emissions are from transport and logistics.

Being carbon neutral means that you take accountability for all carbon emissions released by tracking emissions and then investing in projects that prevent or remove the same amount of carbon.


Download our sticker and add it to your online store!

We prioritize investing in projects that protect habitat, support local communities, and restore vital ecosystems.

Shoppers are seeking out sustainable products and are more likely to trust a company that supports social or environmental issues. Download this sticker and display online or in store to let your customers know of the impact they are having!

Being carbon neutral means that your net release of CO2e into the atmosphere is zero.

Basically, whatever CO2e you emit is cancelled out by a process known as 'offsetting' – that is, supporting projects that reduce emissions, like regenerating precious forest, replacing old equipment with more efficient technology, or even training communities in beekeeping!

We’re proud to be the first 100% carbon neutral nation-wide shipping service in Australia, Canada, and the US. But we’re not stopping there. We’re committed to reducing the carbon intensity of our shipping network each year to reach net zero emissions by 2040.

Because at Sendle we believe that sending a package shouldn’t cost the earth.

How do we offset?


The boring part

Sendle calculates the carbon emitted with each package sent through our network.


The awesome part

We select high-quality environmental projects that prevent carbon emissions or remove them from the atmosphere, providing essential habitat and restoring ecosystems.


How you can get involved

Tell your customers that each package sent through Sendle is a carbon neutral delivery.

Free marketing? Yep.

Carbon neutral marketing copy for your site and emails. Go wild!

Find out more


Our projects

Learn more about the environmental projects supported by Sendle and the community of Sendlers.

Tasmanian Forest


The Tasmanian Forest project stops logging and land degradation, preventing stored carbon from being released, protecting this vibrant forest with species found nowhere else, and expanding ecotourism and employment opportunities to local communities. This project’s protected area covers the habitats of several endangered species, including the Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagle, the Eastern Quoll, the Ptunarra Brown Butterfly, and the Tasmanian devil.


Teak Mexico


The Teak Mexico project prevents the loss of wildlife habitation from extensive farming and logging while aiming to restore the land and create stable job opportunities in Tabasco, Chiapas, and Campeche, Mexico. The project is heading forest management and creating a supply chain of highly valued teak wood, helping to mitigate global warming, improve soil quality and water conservation, and add biodiversity.


Alto Huayabamba


The Alto Huayabamba project conserves the tropical forests and lowlands of the Andes that teem with irreplaceable wildlife, by employing the local community, implementing sustainable initiatives, and reducing emissions associated with deforestation and land degradation. The protected area is home to many threatened animal species, like the yellow-tailed woolly monkey and species that thrive in the Huayabamba River.


Mount Sandy


The Mount Sandy protects a rare pocket of wetlands and woodlands full of native vegetation from land degradation by farmlands and employs community members of the region’s Traditional Owners, the Ngarrindjeri. The Ngarrindjeri people have cared for Coorong country for thousands of years, relying on the land to serve as their home and strategic habitats for native wildlife, such as the Short-Beaked Echidna, Purple-Gaped Honeyeater, and Elegant Parrot.


Keweenaw Bay

United States

The Keweenaw Bay project is a community-based approach that improves forest management of the Lake Superior Chippewa area, which holds significant importance and land use to Tribal Nations whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change. This project covers 12,500 acres of tribal forestland and enables tribes to develop renewable energy projects and social programs for community members.

Green is golden for small business

Our customers are proudly carbon neutral with their deliveries.
  • Website
    Doesn't cost the earth.

    "We care about getting your toxin-free, low waste Australian products to you as fast as possible, in a way that doesn’t cost the earth. That’s why we work together with Sendle."

  • Email
    Natural partnership.

    "Sendle was a natural partnership for us. Their 100% carbon neutral delivery means we can deliver orders without costing the environment."

  • Sendle Interview
    Cherry on top.

    "Having a 100% carbon-neutral courier for our city and interstate logistics - cherry on top. Sendle for us was a no-brainer."

  • Email
    I loooooove Sendle!

    "First of all may I just say, I loooooove Sendle! I love that it is carbon neutral, that it is so easy, saving me racing down to the post office nearly every day and all this at a greater price than Australia Post. Amazing!"

  • Email
    A great selling point.

    "The carbon neutral delivery service that you offer is a great selling point for us as our customers (and us) care deeply for the environment."

  • Email

    "We love Sendle - both its service, pricing and everything that it stands for environmentally."

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    Beautiful planet.

    "We also use @sendle's 100% carbon neutral shipping service as our first choice. It’s really the least we can do to not carelessly use single-use plastics that take a heavy toll on our beautiful planet."

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    Eco-conscious customers.

    "100% carbon neutral shipping gives peace of mind to our eco-conscious customers who are doing their best to minimise their impact on the world."

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    Makes me really happy.

    "Did you know we aim to ship as many parcels as possible using Sendle who are a carbon neutral courier? I did the maths today and can confirm we have sent 79.5% of our parcels 100% carbon neutral 🙌 This makes me really happy."

  • Sendle Interview
    It's totally worth it.

    "I’m not going to lie, when I found out about Sendle, I was so excited. Mostly because we really pride ourselves on being super environmentally-conscious, which adds to my workload but it’s totally worth it."

  • Email
    Zero carbon footprint.

    "Getting the products to our customers with zero carbon footprint. This is how successful business will thrive in the future."

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