Sendle Drop Off Locations in Canada


Sendle's wide network of drop off locations means you can drop off your parcels where and when it's convenient for you. Use the map to find your closest one!

Find parcel drop off locations near you

Sendle's ever-expanding shipping network isn't limited to pickup – you can also drop off your parcels at your own convenience. Sendle drop off locations are dotted all over Canada, and include markets, retail and convenience stores, as well as larger packaging centres. A lot of these have extended opening hours, which means even more flexibility for you.

Drop off the right parcel size

Sendle drop off locations can accept any parcel up to Sendle's maximum size (that's up to 30kg and 150L, with the longest side no bigger than 1.2m).

Heads up: If you're sending big parcels (or a lot of parcels), pickup may be a better option – as larger volumes may be harder to handle at drop off locations.

Track your parcels

If you have an order with more than one parcel, you’ll need to create separate labels for each parcel. You can do this individually, or as part of a batch upload. This will make sure each one is scanned and tracked through the tracking page (keep in mind that duplicate or previously used labels will be rejected at drop off locations).